What is a "device for identifying sleeping children" that is immediately introduced in all day care centers?


  On the left side, a 4 year old child is dead. On the right is a photo of a kindergarten car equipped with a "child sleep control" system. On the morning of the 19th, a child arrives at a children's garden in Seo-gu, Gwangju, to take the help of a teacher. The Gwangju school bus is equipped with safety features to prevent children from being left alone and to ask for help in case of emergency. Freelance Jang Jeong-pil

Left, a school car for a four-year-old child who died in Gangseo-gu, Seoul. On the right is a photo of a kindergarten car equipped with a "child sleep control" system. On the morning of the 19th, a child arrives at a children's garden in Seo-gu, Gwangju, to take the help of a teacher. The Gwangju school bus is equipped with safety features to prevent children from being left alone and to ask for help in case of emergency. Freelance Jang Jeong-pil

By the end of the year, it is mandatory to install 'Sleeping Child Check'. on all daycare cars and introduce a service that automatically informs parents of children's homes and the House of Representatives.

The Department of Health and Welfare reported on the 24th provincial cabinet meeting on the implementation of measures to eradicate child abuse and car accidents. Recently, President Moon Jae-in ordered the government to quickly arrange a comprehensive solution for infant and child death in an early childhood center in Dongducheon, Gyeonggi-do, Gyeonggi-do .

The Department of Health and Welfare cited the accident as the main reason for the accident in the school car, although the safety rules were not followed on the spot. In the meantime, it was immediately confirmed whether the safety rules had actually been complied with when driving school cars, and it was concluded that it was urgent to set up a device capable of eradicating accidents caused by human negligence.

As a result, we decided to introduce "Sleeping Child Check" to kindergarten by the end of December. After turning off the power and leaning the bell in the back seat, you can attach a device to turn off the light so that you can see if any children have remained in the rear magnet. A child who was left in a children's garden in Gwangju City in 2016 suffered serious brain damage and was applied to kindergarten vehicles such as Gwangju. To this end, the company plans to provide a total of 7,000,000 won for 250,000 kindergartens across the country, about 250,000 won.

  Child safety bell and control button installed in the kindergarten school bus of Gwangju City. The metropolitan city of Gwangju has imposed a safety feature on a school bus after a child was confined in a children's garden bus in 2016. [프리랜서 장정필]

Child safety bell and confirmation button installed in the kindergarten school bus in the metropolitan city of Gwangju. The metropolitan city of Gwangju has imposed a safety feature on a school bus after a child was confined in a children's garden bus in 2016. [프리랜서 장정필]

In addition, we will be promoting 39, a "security alert service" for all children in daycares. The system is based on IoT technology, in which school staff and caregivers share real-time information on daycare access for infants and young children. It automatically informs parents of real-time information about the source.

The punishment for childcare problems is also reinforced. The scope of the "One Strike Out" system, which closes the facility even if a single accident occurs, extends not only to the abuse but also to serious safety accidents such as accidents resulting in the death of schoolchildren. In addition, if the facility is closed, the director will limit employment to other facilities for five years.

  School Bus [연합뉴스]

In order to strengthen the administrative responsibility of the local government, a disadvantage system is introduced in the local government badessment if severe safety accidents or child abuse occur in the local nursery. In addition, current safety education obligations, limited to the general manager and the vehicle operator, are extended to educators, and safety education and prevention of child abuse. is reorganized with concrete examples. If a duty teacher who has left the site for a long time is re-employed, he / she will establish a compulsory education course for each period of unemployment. Increase the number of substitute teachers from 2000 now to 4800 by 2022 so that teachers can use one week of education and annual vacations per teacher for the sake of the guard gap. children.

 20 Days 11 Months A yellow ribbon is at the door of a child's home in Haggok-dong, Seoul, where a child is killed. Joon Han Dae reporter

20 days 11 months The case where a child dies is a yellow ribbon at the door of a children's home in Haggok-dong, Seoul. Jo Hahn, journalist

This measure included a fundamental revision of the child care support system. A kindergarten teacher basically improves the care structure for a long time and reorganizes the daycare support system to ensure that the daycare teacher works 8 hours a day. Specifically, we plan to expand the scope of the role so that it can play a role of "dedicated teacher at the time of the afternoon" while expanding qualified support teachers as teachers of child care.

Minister Yeong-ho Park said, "I am very sorry and I regret wholeheartedly, as Minister of Justice, the recent deaths in child care." I will never come back again. "B, e, v, n, t, s) {19459008] if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)}; if (! f._fbq) f._fbq = n;
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