What is the best-selling game in Steam in the first half of 2018?


  Steam released the first half of 2018 (Source: Steam's official website)
▲ Steam released the first half of 2018 [Source: Steam site officiel]

Half of the year 2018

Valve released its best mid-term results for the first half of 2018 based on its sales data on the official Steam website on May 5th.

Regardless of the release date, "best-selling complete," which is the best-selling game of the year, includes "GTA 5," & "; Civilization 6, & # 39; Player Unconness Battleground & # 39; and & # 39; Dota 2 & # 39;

Next, the new game titled "Best New Release New Game", which was released in the newly released new game, has a number of new games such as "Crazy 5" and "Jurbadic World Evolution"

The best selling VR game is the "Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim", based on the popularity of the original work, with the titles "Dragon Ball Fighters" and "Jin Three Kingdoms Dynasty 8". VR & # 39; and & # 39; Fallout 4 VR's are at the forefront of the game. They are the traditional strong man VR job simulator, Zombie Survival & # 39; Arizona Sunshine – which was released in the year of production, and & # 39; Orbus VR – which was popular with VR MMORPG

Finally, among the "competing players", which recorded the number of simultaneous users, six games in total recorded more than 100,000 simultaneous users. In addition to the traditional players 'Dota 2', 'Counter Strike: Global Offensive', 'GTA 5', 'Rainbow Six Seas' and & # 39; War Frame & # 39; This is the main character. Plus, FPS & # 39; Black Squad & # 39; of Neowiz Games has been named in the ranking with more than 15,000 simultaneous users

The Steam results of the 2018 tentative settlement can be found on the Steam website (19659010). Steam The best selling games in the first half of 2018 (Source: Official Site Steam)

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