What is the punishment of the Kwanak Mountain group's juvenile boys?


A warrant of arrest was issued to seven miners in the Kwanak Mountain badault group. One of the boys was not allowed. (Photo: KBS Capture)

Daily News Today Inhua Reporter] A court has issued arrest warrants to teenagers who are also members of the "Assaut Kwanak Mountain" group. They are accused of badault and forced harbadment.

Judge Kim Jae-kung of the Seoul District Court issued a warrant on Sept. 16 stating that "there is an inevitable reason to be a boy but he should be arrested".


A juvenile delinquent boy refers to a person who has committed an indictable offense and who will be punished by a criminal minor aged 10 or over but under 14 years of age.

Current experts are also deeply concerned that the criminal behavior of minors in our society is beyond the threshold.

The government has also decided to push the plan to lower the age of minors from 14 to 13 years old this year. Recently, as a result of cruel juvenile crimes such as collective aggression, the government is sensitive to the need to reduce the age at which the criminal must be alienated.

Kim Sang-gon, Minister of Education and Social Affairs, held an emergency meeting of ministerial ministers to check the situation of violence prevention measures in the government building in Seoul on December 12th.

Seoul: 10 high school students In Daegu, six teenage girls and two teenage girls were badually badaulted by schoolgirls.

In both cases, the students appeared to be reluctant to commit aggression,

In the national petition bill Cheong Wa Dae, the raped Daegu daughters' mother raises a petition to severely punish the children. minor rapists. More than 280,000 people were in agreement in this petition

The government strictly investigated crimes committed by minors and decided to increase the number of juvenile delinquency victims by increasing the number of juveniles. 39, students from the current to three. On this day, the Minister of Justice, Park Sang-ki, said: "We will actively cooperate with the National Assembly to revise the criminal law and the law on minors in order to reduce the age of minors offenders and juvenile offenders under the age of 14. "

Doo Jong-hwan, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Lee Hyo-seong, Chair of the Broadcasting and Communications Committee , plan to increase the number of honorary guardians Prepare measures to improve management by improving the video review system

Minister of Gender Equality and Family Ministry, Chung Hyung-Baek said, "CYS-Net is a crisis-oriented youth, we will work with local governments to provide personalized support services to our clients."

In addition, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism plans to increase the number shadow of specialists for youth companions and awareness of 1,146 to 1,261 and 30 to 60, respectively.

Kim said, "We will improve the education of perpetrators by requiring individual counseling in cases of violent school violence and special education of parents, and we will expand the pre and post-response system together. for juvenile violence.

At the meeting, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Recreational Affairs, the Director of the Korean Communications Commission and the Director of Public Security of the National Police Agency attended the meeting .

The amendment to the Juvenile Law was triggered by a violation of Busan College last year, but Cheong Wa Dae was criticized for violating the issue of youth violence. And that it can not be solved immediately by the amendment of the law on minors.

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