"What would happen if the export …" Collapse of the nuclear ecosystem


Entry on 2018.11.29 13:00

[탈원전 갈등]㉒ & nbsp; Nuclear Power Plant & # 39; in Germany reduced to 5,000 nuclear power plants in 7 years

After KEPCO's participation in the operation of the MAU (UAE) nuclear power plant in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), part of the operation and maintenance of the UAE nuclear power plant was transferred to the French electricity company (EDF), which raises concerns about the collapse of the national nuclear industry ecosystem. .

The nuclear industry is concerned that if the government cancels the construction of new nuclear power plants because of the deferral policy of the NPP, and the export is halted, the related companies will disappear and the employees will lose their employment. Saudi Arabia and the Czech Republic, which currently export nuclear energy, also face competition from other countries such as the United States, China, Russia and France.

"Germany has sold its core technology to other countries since the outbreak of nuclear energy, and the number of nuclear power plants has dropped significantly, from 5,000 in 2011 to This year, "said Kim Kyung-jin, a Democrat in the Democratic Party of Peace. There are already signs of collapse in the forests and we may have to hire foreign personnel to manage the remaining nuclear power plants. "

The Emirati nuclear power plant of Baraka, won by Korea in 2009, The French Public Electricity Company (EDF) recently signed a controversial operation and maintenance contract in the nuclear sector.

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd.

29th Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction (034020)According to the company that produces nuclear reactors and steam generators, the sales of the power generation division amounted to 3.1 billion won in the first three quarters of this year, a decrease of 10 , 5% compared to the first three quarters of last year (3 trillion of 364.1 billion won). At the end of the third quarter, the electricity generation sector was 4,450, down 265 from the end of the third quarter of last year (4,715).

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction reduced its workforce by 25 percent after the government deferred the nuclear plant at the end of last year, but plans to transfer some of its employees to other subsidiaries. Due to insufficient orders and take paid leave from next year. Shinhan Hanwool units 3 and 4 were planned to be produced and supplied with turbine and turbine generator facilities, but construction is expected to be suspended due to construction of the site.

The problem is that the difficulties encountered by Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction are no longer just a beginning and that 2,000 SMEs involved in the construction of Shinhan Hanwool 3 and 4 will suffer.

According to a report of the Liberal Democratic Party of Korea, Institute for Research on the Energy Economy, Deloitte Consulting, report "Improvement of the nuclear industry ecosystem", more than 57% of companies have pbaded In particular, none of the designers wanted to maintain its business.

According to the report, there are 697 contracts with KHNP and KEPCO, including 85 ancillary equipment and 315 spare parts suppliers. It is reported that affiliates are worried about abandoning their business due to a shortage of overseas orders and lack of benefits from construction and major exporters. .

Korea Institute for Energy Economics · Deloitte Consulting Report on the Nuclear Industry Ecosystem Improvement Plan.

The Korean Nuclear Society said: "It is not easy to choose Korea as a nuclear power plant partner, which is likely to collapse from the supply chain of parts of nuclear origin because of the implementation of the NPP policy. " Engineering service guaranteed long term. " Industry Atomic Energy Science Industry "Collapse of the industry and research base if a professional worker is cut"

Nuclear universities also suffer from a decline in their workforce due to the collapse of post-nuclear policy. According to data obtained by Kim Kyung-jin, a member of the Democratic Party of Peace, 16 colleges and universities run nuclear-related departments in Korea. The number of students (including graduate students) is about 3,000.

Eight universities have competitively created new departments after noting the export opportunities of the nuclear industry after the announcement of the UAE nuclear power plant's export plan in Baraka in 2009. However, no candidate for the major KAIST nuclear power program has been introduced in the second half since the announcement of the government's nuclear power requirement, and the Sejong and Pusan ​​universities had no doctoral candidate. The Yeungnam University was removed from the mechanical engineering department.

The Korea Nuclear Society said: "The policy of nuclear power plants becoming a reality, the generations who realize the uncertain future of the nuclear will hesitate to choose the major nuclear." If talented people do not come in and can not emit professional workers, it will collapse, "he warned.

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