When I changed the fertility rate, the tasks and care measures are still far away.


  President Moon Jae-in visits a merry house in Guro-gu, Seoul, May 5, and takes a commemorative photo at Woo Jae-wan (33, teacher) and Lee Jin-kyung (31). years old, teacher) [김상선 기자]

President Moon Jae-in visits a merry house in Guro-gu, Seoul, May 5, and takes a commemorative photo at the home of the newly married couple, Woo Jae-wan (age 33) and Lee Jin-kyung (31 years old). [김상선 기자]

On May 5, Moon Jae-in announced the first low birth rate measures since the government's launch. Instead of "fertility rate", the goal was to improve the quality of life of parents raising children and children. However, it is pointed out that the government that criticized the government's low fertility policy has not gone out of the past.

Since the first meeting of the Low-Fertility Society Committee last December, the government has decided that the basic plan for the aging, low-fertility, aging society (2016-2020) is obsessed with the birth rate , I criticized it.

He said that in the future, he will change the paradigm by respecting the personal choice of lifestyle, raising the quality of the 2040 generation and choosing marriage and childbirth as a rational choice.

However, the "paradigm shift" was not perceptible in the low fertility measures taken in seven months. This was only a fine adjustment to broaden the target of the old government policy or increase the amount of aid.

The main countermeasures include increased subsidies for childcare, strengthening government support, shorter working hours for children without pay cut and increase maternity leave. In the meantime, I have gradually increased in the budget range from 1st to 3rd measure, but I have not yet escaped the method this time. Support for child care has increased the target. The government plans to increase the subsidy service for children to 150% of the median income (5.53 million won per month) of 120% of the median income (4.42 million won for three households). The reduction of working hours for educators of children under eight years has raised the ceiling. The maternity leave paid by the spouse has increased in duration.

When I insist on differentiation from the old regime, I understand that I have lost my goal. The committee said: "Up to now, the birth rate and the birth rate have been the goals of the policy, but in the future we will aim for the quality of life 2040". Japan has set the target of "100 million total labor policies" at a fertility rate of 1.8. In addition, all policies announced today place emphasis on childbirth and childcare support for infants and young children. On the other hand, they do not offer a new alternative to the issue of clerical care for elementary school students, which calls for career breaks for women and women. ;delivery. The "all daycare" policy, proposed in April, has not progressed much.

Including a policy that calls for a debate on equity. The committee has decided to pay a monthly subsidy of 500,000 won for 90 days to part-time workers, the self-employed and unskilled workers who are not covered by employment insurance. It is funded by the national government, but it is funded by Employment Insurance. It's the same advantage as those who do not pay the premium for employment. If the problem is to eliminate blind spots, it is necessary to create employment insurance.

The experts point out that this measure is too slow. The entry budget is only 900 billion won. This is in contrast to writing a pool of resources for a benevolent well-being. President Moon Jae-in has not chaired the meeting of the Society's Committee on Low Fertility once in May since its inauguration. Last December, we had a meeting with the new members of the committee.

Cho Young Tae, a professor at the School of Public Health of the Seoul National University, said, "I think the government has defined the direction of the paradigm shift itself. I think it's taken on foot when I point out the differentiation of the previous government. "" It takes a long time to rebuild low fertility measures. "

Jung Jae-hoon, professor in the Department of the social welfare of the Seoul Women's University, said: "The policy does not include the message of a paradigm shift. In particular, there is no perspective of gender equality. From a woman's point of view, I would live in a society that does not have an unique child, or if I give birth to a child, I have to present a different vision of being my child, not a child of the family of a husband.

Kim Sang-hee, Vice Chairman of the Senior Society Committee on Low Fertility, said, "The medium and long term measures will include the third base plan in the restructuring policy and will be announced in October. "

Lee, Jong-hoon, journalist [email protected]

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