Who are you? # Race Racing Model → Race Model of All Walks → Display of "Shock" Sponsor


[매일경제 스타투데이 최지원 인턴기자]

The interest in the racing model was revealed by revealing the fact that Ji-sung (35), which is a broadcasting company, has received a sponsorship proposal through SNS.

On June 19, Ji-Sung published the DM content (one-on-one) that he received via Instagram. This message says: "Hello, 43-year-old Japanese business woman in Japan If you have a sponsor that you can support in the long run, I can support you when you go to Korea.

I'm sorry if You have an excuse.

Guizi said, "Some parts of the body are incomplete, or people who are lacking people to stoop," said a loud dissatisfaction, then said, "Do you look at all the people who sent me?

Gujusing, a model of the model of the armistice, has a beautiful body.

He debuted as a model in 2001, and he was baptized as a running model in Seoul and Busan Motor Show every year until 2009, starting with the Seoul Motor Model pose Show 2005. It showed a big show, a volume figure, a striking look and a pose.

Kuji Sung won the 2007 Best Model Award, the Race Model Award, the Digital Model Award, the Year Run Model and the 2009 Asian Model Festival Race Model Award. Awards.

Koo Ji Sung has also been active as a broadcaster.

Since he's announced his activities as a full-time broadcaster in 2009, he has participated in the entertainment programs "MT King", "Family Variety Bouquet", "I am Legend 2" and "Delicious Day. " He also performed as a performer appearing on the SBS drama "Daemo" which aired in 2010, as well as films such as "Co-conspirators", "Puppet" and "Touch by Touch". In 2011, he also released the album "Bad Boys of the Goose".

On the other hand, last April, Koo Ji-sung became the first Korean to score third place at the FCI World Challenge, a global competition that selected the healthiest dog among the dogs participating in each event. country.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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