Why did "Miss Korea" walk to Bikini this year?


Miss Korea Official Website

The winners of the Miss Korea 2018 Selection Contest held at the Seoul Olympic Hall, Bajang-dong, Seoul on the 4th.

▶ Women in their early twenties walk in stiletto heels wearing bikinis and tell them to look good. The Miss Korea tournament where the whole family was sitting. I know it's been abolished because it's not visible on the ground, but it's still open year after year. If a piece of swimsuit is changed to a bikini swimsuit, it's a change.

"My strength is a solid body that has been built by the exercise.I will show you my health."

"I have bad appeal and kindness. Be beautiful, you like it. "

Thirty-two women in their twenties who wore bikini heels came out one by one and introduced themselves. At the bottom of the screen, the age, size and weight of the candidates were revealed. Most were over 170 cm tall and weighed 50 kg.

In the evening of the 4th, the 2018 Miss Korea Selection & # 39; took place at the Seoul Olympic Hall, Banyeo-dong, Seoul, in the evening,.

As one of the candidates who appeared to be Barbie dolls went through one or two people, they gradually took shape of their bodies. To be evaluated in detail by site. Most of the candidates have more than 170cm, 168cm felt like a small key. The arms and legs were thin, but the bads and hips looked normal.

After the bikini parade, there was a special awards ceremony, including a photojournalist award. The candidates were dressed in white and skinny jeans. Subsequently, the candidates changed into evening gowns and walked on stage again. Fifteen players have been announced. Sudden questions were asked to see the "senses and the spirit" of the finalists who came to the finals. "What do you want to do when you're done with live TV?" "If you make yourself a present," "If you express your feelings in song?", The candidates say, "I want to eat my parents and my steamed chicken, I want". Broadcaster Park Soo-hong and Singer Yura, who were in charge of MC, said the "meaning was brilliant" and "it was a sensible answer".

Four people, two people,. Lee Jun-hee, president of the Korea Daily, which hosted the event, said in a statement: "I have not only looked at my appearance, but evaluated my personality, talents, qualities and my overall beauty. " However, he did not reveal how personality, talent, etc. have been evaluated according to certain criteria.

Screenshot Naver "Mikotivi"

Candidates present themselves in swimwear in bikinis during the Miss Korea 2018 Selection Competition & # 39; which took place at the Olympic Hall in Bajang-dong, Seoul, 4.

The day after the contest the next day, the names of 'Miss Korea & # 39; and competitors continued to climb to the top of the portal's real-time search term. Related Articles Comments and various SNS (SNS) price "appearance" of the appearance of the winners. There was a lot of trouble. Miss America, the longest beauty pageant in the United States, decided on July 5 to abolish the swimsuit judging and dress code of 1997. The change in Miss America was influenced by the campaign " MeToo ", a badual badault campaign that has been taking place all over the world since last year. In Korea too, the "tercocese movement", which rejects the movement of mites and the excessive work of ornaments, causes the wind, but on the other hand, the bikini is still judged and the contest to evaluate the woman as appearance is broadcast live.

Miss Korea Contest

The Miss Korea Contest was held in May 1957 for the first time in Korea. "From 18 to 28 years old, a Korean woman who has a jinny character in all aspects of gender, virtue and the soul, whether or not there is a job, but a single woman who Never worked in a box office or hospice It was said that it was qualified. The organizer <한국일보> recently stated in an introductory article about Miss Korea, "The status of Miss Korea is not the same as a national player who competes in international competitions . " They prevented the Cheongwadae (Cheongwadae) before the Miss Universe contest .. In the 1960s, the inside and outside of the president also officially interviewed the Miss Korea, Jeon, Sun and Mi contest. In 1972, terrestrial broadcasters began broadcasting, and the power of broadcasting became even stronger and popularity among people continued to increase. At the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in 1989, the audience rating of the 33rd Miss Korea Contest was 54%. It was the time when the whole family was sitting watching the Miss Korea contest and having a "story flower".

However, since the late 1990s, the Miss Korea Convention has been confronted with the controversy surrounding the commodification of women's baduality and has been called for abolition. In 1999, the "Anti-Miss Korea Competition" (which was held up to six times for all male and female participants to show their talents such as singing and playing and voting for the candidate by voting per audience) has been criticized. I gave up the broadcast of the Korea convention. The Miss Korea convention was not abolished, but ratings and influence fell sharply when broadcast rights were transferred to cable television. In 2004, the evaluation of the swimsuit was abolished. However, the swimsuit review of 2012 revived, and in 2014, the swimsuit was replaced by a one-piece swimsuit blue for a bikini swimsuit.

American beauty pageants are older than us. Miss America was held in 1921. The swimsuit and the judgment of the evening dress were a symbol of the beauty contest that has been taking place since the first competition. In the late 1960s, feminists rallied to Miss America in the United States, burning objects symbolizing the repression of women, including bras.

The Mississippi Mississippi Organization President, Miss Carlson, announced on May 5 that the National Museum of Air and Space of the United States "We do not have to be in the United States. We will no longer judge candidates by appearance, "said ABC Morning Broadcast's" Good Morning America ". "Miss America is not a beauty pageant, but a place that offers opportunities to women of all shapes." He said. The Organizing Committee of Miss America said: "Instead of abolishing the swimsuit exam, participants will talk to judges about their life goals and how they will use their talents." they are selected as Miss America. They also explained that instead of evening dresses, participants would be judged on clothes that reveal their personality and confidence. This change will take effect as of this year's competition in September.



Miss America contest, abolition of swimsuit examination

Kim Soo-min, selected Miss Korea Korea this year, said in a media interview shortly after the contest: "Miss Korea is not a marketing system of female baduality," I think that & # 39; s # It is important to ask in-depth questions about the various events that occur in society through interviews, and to consider the thoughts and beliefs of the candidates. "" Miss Korea does not pick up pretty people. I want people who are interested in society as a whole. "If Miss Korea is not interested in choosing a beautiful person, but if you are interested in society as a whole, why do you relax your height and weight and do you a jersey? bath? Whether you are interested in society as a whole or not, this is not something you can not say by wearing a swimsuit.

There are critics of the mis-korea contest as well as the users, which is contrary to the times. "I did not know that I was still playing Miss Korea," Lee said. It is shocking to say that a horse is a swimsuit, but a contest that shows women in a form that is just like underwear and looks their appearance is still there.

In addition, since the beginning of this year, the MiTu movement has steadily increased and, in recent years, the "movement of the necklines" has also blown. The corset was introduced in France in the 16th century and is an underwear worn by women to make their bodies thinner. It is quite painful to wear a ribbed corset for women to hide. For this reason, the corset has become a symbol of "forced beauty". The movement of the corset is a movement that tries to escape the "corset" by defining things that are considered natural for women, such as makeup, thin body and long hair. The women participating in this movement refuse to comment on their appearance and declare that they will not do an excessive "embellishment work". The movement of the corset has been criticized for being a critique of superficiality and commercialism apart from the pros and cons.

The Hankyoreh

The latest anti-Miss Korea festival 'Goodbye & # 39; took place in May 2004. Miss Korea.

Joe Park Sunyoung <이프북스> editor of the feminist magazine <이프> who hosted the anti-Korean convention in the past, said, "At that time, Korea's main goal was the abolition terrestrial broadcasting. I did not think the whole family would be sitting in prime time, "he said. "Miss Korea has become a subculture because we have not aired on Earth, but since then, various beauty contests have increased, and women's more explicit badualization and targeting has intensified." As a result, there is a demand for people who want to see such events and advertisers who want to use them. There is.

In fact, <한국일보> said in the introduction to the event: "The Miss Korea Convention defined Korean beauty and led the beauty industry. They were by far the best advertising model, and the big national companies also participated in the sponsorship of the Miss Korea selection contest. "Kim Sun – young, a television critic, said:" Although the popular influence has declined, Miss Korea is an event for advertisers to maintain the beauty industry such as cosmetics and He said: "There is nothing better than to standardize the female body and offer uniform standards to women as well as to Miss Korea. It is right to abolish it. "

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