Why Samsung Adelman is back in business after … Hope for yourself


Samsung Team Adelman (31) began his career after four days off. The player wanted it.

Samsung's recent three-game winning streak allowed Adela to start Jamsil LG on Aug. 25. According to the original rotation, Baek Jung-hyun is the turn. However, there is no particular abnormality in the body condition of Baek Jung-hyun.

Kim Han-Soo, the manager of Samsung, unveiled the reason for the game. "Adelman volunteered for the rest after four days of rest," he said.

Samsung and Adelman will continue their recent upward trend. Adelman, who is 5-8 with a 5.8 ERA in the season, finished with three points in six innings on the last day of the first half of the season, seven points on seven shots in the Hanhwa field. the 20th, or less). He has taken a look at the mound recently, so he will be interested in what he will do initially after a four day break.

Adelman had three starts after a four-day break this season, and his average ERP was 6.00. Twice a week, twice a week (Tuesday – Sunday) and once, out like this. On May 20, he scored three points in six innings against Nexen and on May 31, KT scored seven scoreless innings.

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