Won Kyung-hwan of Incheon Police Chief … The Best of Public Safety


[Incheon = Newswise] Hahn Sang-hwan reporter Incheon Police Agency announced that they had the inauguration ceremony of the police commissioner of Incheon on January 30th.

On the day of inauguration, Won Kyung-hwan said, "Before personal glory,

In Incheon area, which is the" gateway to the country " , the shoulder is heavy to take responsibility for the tremendous sense of responsibility. "

" We will do our best for safety and order at this time. "We send warm encouragement and warm applause to all our 7,000 colleagues and one of our police families. "

Won said," First and foremost, citizen safety "Safety" is the premise of happiness, "The beginning and the end" of the security services, and "the reason for the existence of the police is here,"

He added: "While consumers are evaluating the" security "of their products, it is not the police standard, but the citizens. "

Won Kyung-hwan of Incheon Police Commissioner completed 37 secondary schools in Pyeongchang, the Korean University of Broadcasting and Communication and Higher Administrative Schools of & #onc In In écoles écoles écoles. Yonsei University as Candidates for the Incheon Police Agency.

Woncheon was born in Gangwon Province in 1961. He is the Chief of Police Chief of Gangwon Jeongseon, the 39, Chief Police Inspector, Kangdong Police Chief, Chief Inspector of Police, Chief Incheon Chief, Deputy Chief of Gyeonggi North District, Deputy Chief of Police. police agency (counterterrorism dispatching center), deputy chief of the police agency, (19659002) [email protected]

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