Work and management of industrial employees of Aekyung,


[뉴스토마토 김보선 기자] Ae-Kyung Industry and Labor Co., Ltd., a beauty company of everyday life, announced on the 10th that this year the collective bargaining and collective bargaining (collective bargaining) agreement was concluded for 16 consecutive years without negotiations.

The Aekyung Industrial Employees 'Association (AEK) has entered into a non-bargaining agreement for the 16th consecutive year in the Aekyung Industrial Company, in the presence of workers' representatives and head office management from Aekyung to Guro-gu, Seoul,

In the afternoon of 9, Aekyung Industrial Co., Ltd. (5th from left) and union president Aekyung Industrial Labor (6th from left) have signed collective bargaining and pay agreements for 16 consecutive years. I'm taking pictures to celebrate. Photo / Aekyung Industry

Aekyung Industrial (CEO Lee Yoon-kyu) and Aekyung Industry Labor Union (President Shinwonyo) concluded the negotiations this year for the 16th year in a row since 2003, and further solidified mutual trust and cooperation. # 39; Union.

Based on the fact that the workers and management have successfully completed the IPO in March this year after the unions have reached an agreement on negotiating the negotiations, we hope that we will not be able to do so. Aekyung Industry will continue to be a sustainable beauty business.

The purpose of the articulation was brought together.

In addition, ▲ the expansion of the social welfare system of employees, the expansion of individual skills development support, and the creation of a good working culture for the union, and concluded the agreement in 2018.

Through this agreement, the president of the Shinpo union said: "I believe that the unification of the union for 16 consecutive years is the result of a trust mutual and open communication between workers and management.I will try to improve the quality. "

Lee Yoon-kyu, president of Aekyung Industry, said:" I think that the first step for Aekyung to become a global company is the happiness of our employees. " To create a happy workplace for our employees, I will continue with that. "


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