World Cup Victory in 20 Years … Hope created by 'Rainbow Team & # 39;



France won the World Cup in 20 years after defeating Croatia. The French national team is composed mostly of immigrant players and calls itself "the rainbow team". It was stronger than everyone because it attracted such diversity. The winning cup of the French national team was a "hope".

He is an onnuri reporter.


With a tie in the 38th minute, France caught a penalty with a Grizzman penalty and Fogbahn added an extra goal in Mumbai.

As a symbol of France, a star meaning victory over the rooster was added to the crowd, the citizens applauded hard. Manchu Kichi scored the winner of the tournament.

The main character of the ultimate goal, Grizzman, Foggba and Mumbaffe, are all from immigrant families.

Of the 23 national teams, only two are French, with more than 90%

There were concerns about organizational skills, but there was a lot of racism and strong individual superstars, but Zidane and Henri were leading l & # 39; team.
As 1998, Deschamps linked players from different horizons

The faces of players came to the Arc de Triomphe to celebrate the victory, all French heroes


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