Worsening of employment in Brazil … Full-time job in June First less this year


This year's government goal will not reach 1 million people

The Brazilian working environment is sluggish because of the uncertainties that hover over the presidential election and the slow pace of economic recovery.
According to the Brazilian Ministry of Labor on June 21, the number of regular employees decreased by 661 in June. This means that the dismissal was more than a job.

Full-time employment was negative for the first time this year

. The commercial and manufacturing sectors show a decline in employment, with full-time jobs declining with the exception of fortification, services and the public sector.

In the first half of the year, it is estimated that 392,500 full-time employees are not able to achieve the government's annual target of 1 million in employment .

Private consulting firms expect this year's full-time employment to reach a little over 220,000 jobs, just over 20% of the government's goal because of the end of year layoffs.

The number of full-time workers lost during the worst economic recession in 2015-2016 reached 3 million. If the current trend continues, experts say that full-time jobs will take more than 10 years to recover to the pre-recession level.

In contrast, the average unemployment rate in March-May was 12.7% and the number of unemployed 11.3 million according to data from the Ministry of Labor.

In a three-month labor survey conducted by the Ministry of Labor, the average unemployment rate, which was once again at 13.7%, decreased by 1 percentage point and the number of unemployed steadily decreased.

He stressed the need for reform, saying that "the labor reform will increase employment and make Brazil more competitive".

The amendment to the labor law, promoted by the government, includes the abolition of compulsory contributions for union dues of workers, strengthening the requirements for labor-related lawsuits and easing of employment contracts.

The amendment pbaded by the House of Representatives in March last year, the Federal Senate in July, and its official entry into force in November.

However, the union is pressuring presidential candidates to promise to return to labor reforms, saying: "Contrary to the government's argument, labor reform is not increased employment ".

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(São Paulo)

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