WoW Classic Server demo version "Early game experience"


▲ WoW Clbadic Server – Customization Video

Accounts that purchase BlizzCon virtual tickets can now play demo versions of the WoW Clbadic server. Five demo servers are now online. The playing time is about one hour per account. To resolve this limitation, you must close the connection for 30 minutes before you can replay. This is a kind of charge.

If you played 30 minutes and logged out for 60 minutes, you can enjoy up to 60 minutes when you connect to the game afterwards. If you use every 60 minutes, you will be automatically logged out and you will have to wait 30 minutes to enjoy it again. If you play 20 minutes and you disconnect for 20 minutes, then play for 40 minutes, you will be automatically disconnected and wait 10 minutes before you can connect.

All characters start at level 15. The Alliance is in the West's march and the Horde into the barren land. You can experience the unique system of the original time with the scene where the original terrain before the cataclysm is reproduced. There is a level for each skill and you must take an attribute tree based on your specialization. The petrification of the dwarves, as well as the strength of Orc, the patience of Tauren and the unique skills of the breed can meet.

The best content to use with the clbadic server experience is the instance dungeon. The Alliance is the mine of the abandoned death, and the Horde can go to the grotto of moans. Because of the time limit, you must also take into account the time needed to get from the party to the entrance of the dungeon. The abandoned Death Mines are quite far from the entrance of the instance dungeon and the Grotto of the Wailing Cave is complicated inside. If you make a mistake, you risk losing yourself until the last named. Both dungeons are quite long and seem to be very difficult to erase.

The following is an overview of a clbadic server for players who have not purchased a virtual ticket. After creating a character, get started in a short quest to kill the monster, with a screenshot of some of the original systems that bother you.

Click on the screen capture to enlarge it.

▲ WoW Clbadic Server – Short video of character creation in combat

▲ memorable baldness

▲ The original male human character upscale

▲ It is possible to customize Hay Arch according to the setting

▲ Click Crossroads Hill

▲ I used low level technology to save mana.

▲ The graphic setting is … uh … I do not know if I'm the memories.

▲ fewer items to define than expected

▲ It's also a trip back in time

▲ The strength of the Orc is the descending version, resistance to the Thief against Stun 25%

▲ Attribute Tree … The Highest Dignity of Akenight Warrior's Death!

▲ Aka-cha, Shield Shield was in the last defensive character tree

The features that made the warrior ▲, the greatest endurance buff of the meta physical strength!

▲ Nain is a good girl in Onic! It also looks like a downward revision

▲ The world map is also an old version

▲ Dwarf Warrior Looking at the Mine of Death

If you have any bit of intelligence …

▲ Hunter is fixed in a quiver of one or two bags!

Peaceful Peaceful .. Peaceful Peaceful … Peaceful Peaceful … Oh …

▲ Warriors and robbers must use ranged weapons to remotely attack (pool)

▲ How to perform the quest, where to perform the quest? There is no such thing …

▲ Conversion of the Warlock's vitality, Do you see a piece of soul in your bag? (To laugh)

▲ Tanker up to 97% When crawling, the caster must be a villain

▲ Uh … I was doing twenty buckwheat seeds … and I do not need to speed it up.

▲ Start with the boar until the day of Bangalashi's capture!

The BlizzCon 2018 will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center from November 3rd to 4th. We will give you a little information from South Korea and South Korea. ▶ Inven BlizzCon 2018 News Center:

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