Yankees Severino, ML winner … Chapman replaced the pain


New York Yankees 1 starter Louise Severino added a winner with the help of Thera. He continued to lead the major leagues in the major leagues.

The Yankees won Toronto 8-5 at the Toronto Rogers Center in Ontario, Canada on Wednesday. It was 59 wins (29 losses) in the season. 60 victories are in sight. The first car in the district (east of the American League) is 1.5 game against Boston.

The outsides have provided support to score since the beginning of the match. Brandon Drury managed a two-run homer in the first run when Brett Gardner and Aaron Jersey hit a contingent from Toronto's J.A. Happ, while Giancarlo Stanton and Aaron Hicks made a series of strolls.

After winning 13 victories and maintaining first place in the majors, starting pitcher Severino lost the solidity he had shown for a while. Kevin Pilar was hit by a runner in the second run. However, the third inning scored three points in the third inning. Gardner, who had two runners, left with a triple, 6-2, 4, and added a point to the receiver's sheet.

Severino scored an extra point in the fourth inning to Randall Grigack. However, there were no additional tracks. 5 innings and had a winning pitcher requirement. The Yankees' field stopped the remaining four innings with two points. I added a point to the ninth. Severino scored 14th of the season.

The Yankees did not laugh at all. There was a problem with the Arolled Chapman launcher. He hit a mound in the ninth, and eliminated Randall Grigor, the main hitter. However, after throwing the crystal ball, I showed my legs. The left knee would suffer pain. The club staff was on the mound and was eventually replaced.

Meanwhile, Toronto Major League baseball player Oh Seung-hwan did not show up during the day.
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