Yeongcheon City Library, summer children's reading culture program – Kyungpook Ilbo


Application from 16 to 20

The Yeongcheon Municipal Library prepares various enrichments of the culture of reading, shows and movies so that children can spend a pleasant holiday for holidays. summer.

The Yeongcheon Municipal Library prepares various reading culture clbades, shows and films so that children can spend a pleasant vacation during the summer holidays

The Culture Program of Yeongcheon Reading will be held for kindergarten and elementary students on the 28th, October and October, and will be held first and second on the home page of the Yeongcheon City Library from 16 to 20. [19659005] On August 4th, I will go to the electronic playground, and I will go to folk art and stencil, to fun of the insect, to fun English fun Four films will be screened at 2 pm on Saturdays from the 25th to the 25th of the month. Things to see will be provided.

In addition, the library receives the handwritten letter from elementary students to the person in the book.

The stationery can be obtained from the library and submitted to the library on the 23rd of the following month

This event is organized jointly by the National Library for Children's Youth and the Hangeul National Museum. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the National Children's Library Award and the Hangeul Museum National Prize.

"We have prepared a series of programs to give the young children in the room a rewarding and rewarding vacation," said Son Jin-yeol, director of the Department of Human Resources Development "I hope this event will help children develop their imagination and creativity. "

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