Yoon Suk-heon "The Bank should allocate funds to innovative and productive areas" (Full)


Bankers "hire 3,100 people in the second semester … promoting the social contribution of 700 billion won"

Hold a meeting of the president of the invited bank

Yoon Seok-hun, the head of the Financial Supervisory Commission, met with bank heads and stressed: "The banking sector should provide useful and useful funding to restore confidence."
On the 23rd, Yoon invited the Bankers Association to give a dinner to the bank president. This is the first time Yun has met the president since his inauguration in May.

On this occasion, Yoon said: "We should actively promote financial intermediation to ensure a smooth distribution of funds to SMEs and innovative and productive sectors that are likely to grow, to actively take care of the weak "

He added:" In order to prevent financial accidents and protect financial consumers, strengthen internal control and carefully manage household debts in anticipation of uncertainties in national and international economic and financial markets. " .

The Bank of Korea also urged banks to actively cooperate in the implementation of the "Financial Supervision Innovation Working Group" announced on 9 September, including the streamlining of the system for calculating mortgage rates. Interest and improvement of the evaluation system.

Meeting with reporters before the meeting, he said: "I would like to ask the bank to play an intermediary role because it is the big brother of finance."

Regarding the meaning of "usable finance", it is called "financial aid" and it says, "I am going to ask you to do such things well in the future.

At the meeting, the banking badociation responded that the bank will hire 3,100 people in the second half of this year and carry out a joint social contribution project worth 700 billion won .
Kim Tae-yeong, president of the Banking Association, said: "The banking industry is putting a lot of effort into creating jobs and social responsibility," adding, "We will increase the number of banknotes this year at 4,600, or 54% more than last year.

He also stated that he would make a social contribution project worth KRW 700 billion for three years, of which a joint venture fund with 320 billion KRW and a public interest foundation of the 100 billion KRW financial industry.

President Kim said, "We are striving to fulfill its role of economic link in order to restore public confidence, strengthen the protection of consumers' financial interests and establish ethical management. I will do my utmost to become a driving force of national economic development. "

Yoon met with reporters after the meeting and said: "I asked for a lot of help, including the intermediary function in the bank notes and I tried to get confidence. "He said.

Kim also met with reporters and said, "It was the first time we had a meeting, but everyone was having a nice meal." One participant said that it was not a good thing. was not a tiger but a neighbor.

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(Seoul-Yonhap News)

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