Young Rink "Designate an Ice Rink Management Group"


The Youth Association, comprised of ice skaters and ice leaders, held a rally to urge the Korea Sports Council to designate a management group for the Ice Federation.

  In front of the Olympic Parktel in Seoul on the afternoon of 9, the participants of the Yantai Young Icebreaker & # 39; Urge to designate the Ice Federation. The decision of the management badociation of the Korea Ice Federation is decided by the board of directors of the Korea Sports Council. [연합뉴스]

In front of Olympic Parktel Seoul in the afternoon of 9, participants of the Yantai Young Icebreaker & # 39; urge to appoint the Ice Federation Management Group. The decision of the management badociation of the Korea Ice Federation is decided by the board of directors of the Korea Sports Council. [연합뉴스]

10 youngsters from Yantai, a young group of skaters, gathered in front of the Korea Sports Council for Songpa-gu, Seoul, and stressed that "the Ice Federation is the beginning of the normalization of ice skating in Korea "Skaters and sport experts who want to change the ice skating system and reforms come together to form a skating reform committee to diagnose the current state of the rink in Korea and to present the skating rinks. future alternatives.

Yin Dae, a young ice-skating rider, competed at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Kim Ae Rang (Goyang City Hall), Kim Min-seok (Seongnam City Hall) and Lynch Young (colping team) However, during the training, he was unable to attend a peaceful rally and decided to name the statement in a statement calling for the appointment of a management badociation.

The Co Sports Council decides in the afternoon that the board of directors will appoint the management badociation of the Ice Federation.

Park, Young, Park, Kyu-hyun [email protected]

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