Your personal request has not been terminated. "Sophistication" of the sun's foreign affairs



Japanese Foreign Minister Konodarou said: "The individual claim is not extinguished by the agreement between Korea and Japan". This is the first time in the Abe administration since the decision of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court confirmed that "individual claims do not disappear". In the meantime, Japan reiterated its position that the issue of claims rights was finally settled by the Korea-Japan agreement. It's a sophisticated thing that does not work both ways.

It is the correspondent Yun Seulyoung.


This is the Japanese National Assembly on the 14th last.

The opposition legislator reaffirmed in 1991 the remarks made by the Foreign Affairs and Trade Commissioner of Yanai about the decision of the Supreme Court of Korea last month.

[고쿠타 게이지/일본공산당 의원 : 당시 개인청구권 자체가 국내법적으로 소멸했다는 건 아니라고 답했는데, 틀림없는 거죠?] [고노 다로/일본 외무상 : 개인의 청구권이 소멸했다고 말씀드리는 건 아닙니다.]

It is the first time that the Foreign Minister, Gono, declares that the "individual claim" of the Korean people has not expired.

But the sophistication follows soon.

[고노 다로/일본 외무상 : (한일협정) 2조 1항에서 청구권 문제는 완전하고 최종적으로 해결됐다고 명시적으로 확인하고 있습니다.]

It is claimed that the individual claims were not canceled, but that all individual claims were settled.

The Japanese government has been reluctant to comment publicly that individual claims are valid.

The last decision of the Korean Supreme Court is unreasonable and the data distributed abroad are not mentioned.

"It is important for both parties to seriously discuss the restoration of the dignity and honor of the victims," ​​said Gokuta.

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