Zico's solo concert … Unique Stage + Super VIP Guest | Life / Culture | News


Zico's Solo Concert

While talented producer and rapper Zico releases a new song, he is sweeping the charts and proving his solo power, so his interest in his first solo gig skyrocketing

the new 30 single Soulmate (Soulmate, Feat. IU) & # 39; was published at 18:00 by various sources online site

new song 'Soulmate' from Zico immediately on sale, Bugs, including melon, Genie music, Ole music, Mnet card, Naver music, Soribada music, Monkey 3 to record all 8 real-time graphics of all domestic sound recording sites, once again prove the strength of the loud sound source.

In addition, the expectations of music fans for the only Zico concert, King Of The Zungle, increase.

In addition, this show will begin in 2011, and he should be able to take a look at Jingmao de Zico, who is actively involved in the production of the concert, including the title of the performance and the concept plan, Since this is the only Zico concert that is taking place for the first time in about 7 years, it is filled with Zico's charm that is not seen anywhere, and it will fill the 2 hour race time.

On the other hand, Zico announced his new single 'SoulMate'. On the 30th of last month, and it will give a special show to the public who waited for the stage of Zico, will launch his first solo concert "King Of The Zungle" on August 11th and 12th at Seoul Olympic Park Olympic Handball Stadium. , and will be touring in September and October. Tickets for Seoul performances can be booked online at Yes24.

Yimyeongkong dot com reporter [email protected]

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