Krispy Kreme Donut Stores Run Out Early March Due To Weather Delaying Shipments ::


– Winter weather impacting condition may impact the weather or you cannot try a limited edition Krispy Kreme Mars donut.

To celebrate the NASA rover’s landing, Krispy Kreme is planning to launch a limited-edition Mars donut on Thursday – which will only be sold for one day.

The rare celestial occasion was meant to be marked by a rare donut, shaped to resemble the red planet itself – dipped in caramel and filled with chocolate cream, topped with a red swirl that resembles Mars.

“It’s even sprinkled with chocolate cookie crumbs for that authentic dusty Martian touch,” CNN wrote.

Sadly, it seems humans were never meant to fly so close to Mars. Person Street had a line of customers waiting for the limited edition treat, just one day away. Once sold, the donuts were gone.

Several locations around the Triangle were completely sold out by noon, with no way to get more stock.

Disappointed and upset customers called customer service at the Krispy Kreme headquarters “all day” according to a service representative.

The problem, officials say, is the weather.

Weather issues impacted the delivery of the limited edition donuts, meaning some stores got them and some didn’t. The stores that bought them quickly ran out and have no way of getting more, officials said.

Officials said the problem was compounded by enthusiastic customers moving to secondary sites in search of Mars donuts, which overcrowded local stores that only had enough stock for their own customer base and didn’t were unable to handle the additional customers.

Krispy Kreme’s customer service said they are sorry for the weather affecting the availability of the March donut. Local managers who spoke on the phone said they felt bad about having so many disappointed customers.

Considering the weather impacting the Mars donut launch, will Krispy Kreme try to launch it on another date?

Yes! Krispy Kreme announced:

“Your response to our Mars donut has been out of this world and many stores are already sold out for the day. We continue to offer the Mars donut where supplies and weather conditions permit.”


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