LA reopening: what to know about LAUSD, restaurants, gyms


In a major change, Los Angeles County officials said they plan to allow a list of business areas to reopen more widely as early as Monday.

The changes come as newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 continue to drop, while the number of Angelenos vaccinated against the disease slowly increases.

The reopening depends on California meeting its goal of delivering 2 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to residents of its most disadvantaged areas – which appears to be happening on Friday.

So what will change when the county issues its last health ordinance? What will the restrictions be? Here’s a breakdown:


  • Restaurants will be allowed to serve diners indoors at a capacity of 25%.
  • Guests must sit at least eight feet away from other tables, and indoors only one household with a maximum of six people per table is allowed. Restaurants may allow up to six people per three household table to dine together at outdoor tables.
  • Restaurants need a “working” heating, ventilation and air conditioning system and should increase ventilation where possible.
  • It is recommended that all workers who interact with customers indoors receive N95 masks, KN95 masks or double masks and a face shield.


  • Private gatherings will be permitted with up to three separate households, with masking and distancing required at all times. People who are fully vaccinated might congregate indoors in small numbers with other people who are fully vaccinated without masking and moving away from the requirements.

Other places

  • The museum, zoos and aquariums could open indoors at 25% capacity.
  • Gyms, fitness centers, and yoga and dance studios could open indoors at 10% capacity with a blanking requirement for all indoor activities.
  • Theaters could open indoors at 25% capacity with reserved seating only when each group is seated at least six feet apart in all directions between all other groups.


  • Retail and personal care services can increase capacity to 50% with masking required anytime and for all services.
  • Indoor shopping malls can increase capacity to 50% with common areas remaining closed Food courts can open to 25% capacity in accordance with restaurant guidelines for indoor dining.


  • Institutes of higher education can reopen all authorized activities with the required security changes, with the exception of residential accommodation, which remains subject to the current restrictions for the spring semester.
  • Schools are allowed to reopen for in-person instruction for Grades 7 to 12 students, in accordance with all state and county guidelines.


  • The Los Angeles School Board on Thursday unanimously approved a deal with the teachers’ union that aims to reopen elementary schools in mid-April and middle and high schools in late April or early May.
  • Students in Transitional Kindergarten to Grade 8 may stay on campus from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. five days a week. The caveat is that at least half of the teaching will stay online or be devoted to work that does not involve live interaction with a teacher.
  • Elementary students would have the option of returning to campus Monday through Friday for three hours of live, in-person interaction with their teacher and classmates. In-person classes will be held during the morning session, and an early afternoon session will be for students pursuing full-time distance education.
  • Children who showed up in person in the morning could either go home or attend campus daycare in the afternoon. Everyone would have homework to do during the hours of the school day when they are not with their teacher.


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