Latest Covid: Australian doctor issues stern warning about Delta variant | World | New


Dr Sach Kepp, who works at a public hospital in Sydney, recalled seeing ‘grossly abnormal’ scans of coronavirus patients. In a bid to avoid overloading hospitals, he called on people to get vaccinated as he warned of the effects of the disease.

In a Facebook post seen by The Sun, the medical professional gave his account of the illness, which he said gave “mid-40s” symptoms so severe “they can’t breathe.” .

Dr Kepp wrote: “The symptoms were found to last beyond 12 months, and who knows how long after that.

“How many will need oxygen in the long term?” How many will have pulmonary hypertension and associated heart problems? How many will have recurring blood clots?

“We don’t know. Developing countries would kill for access to one of these incredibly effective vaccines, and we have access to two!”

Australia has approved the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines.

Dr Kepp stressed the need for ‘frustrated’ Australians to stick to lockdown restrictions as Delta infections continue to rise.

He wrote: “What the world and Australia are experiencing right now with the increase in Delta cases is very real and incredibly concerning.

“As we speak, hospitals in Sydney are filling up with Covid-positive patients who are too sick to stay at home.

“The implications of this are huge for our hospitals. Each of these cases is an incredible burden on the system.


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