Latest news about James Paxton, Masahiro Tanaka


Left-handed Yankees James Paxton has been on the list of injured since May 5 due to inflammation of the left knee, but it is unclear whether a return is imminent. Paxton said that he still felt "Something" Kristie Ackert of the New York Daily News reports that her knee fell to her knees on Friday. While Paxton added that he "Woken this morning feeling very good" He will face an important test Sunday at another session.

As if the injuries to Paxton and other major wheels had not sufficiently worried the Yankees this year, the right-handed Masahiro Tanaka left his start Saturday against the Rays after six innings with a right tibia bruise, James Wagner of the New York Times was among those to tweet. X-rays gave negative results, but Tanaka expressed uncertainty after the match on his ability to make his next start.

Although the Yankees left without injured Luis Severino Throughout the season, Paxton and Tanaka have done their best to keep the rotation of the team among the top staffs of the majors so far. In doing so, they helped New York not only stay afloat, but also flourish.

Paxton, the former sailor who made his first year as a Yankee, threw 37 2/3 innings of 3.11 ERA / 2.51 FIP balloon and posted an impressive 12.42 K / 9 before landing on the IL. Tanaka, meanwhile, was brilliant Saturday, continuing a good season during which he earned a FRA of 3.09 in 3.8. It is unclear how the Bombers would replace Tanaka if he missed the time. The Yankees are already ready to deploy relief Chad Green Sunday, because he lacks a fifth starter in health behind Tanaka, German Domingo, C.C. Sabathia and J.A. Happ, having just lost Jonathan Loaisiga for several weeks because of fatigue in the shoulder.


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