Latest news on vaccines and the world


Countries in the Americas have been notified of their first Covid-19 vaccine allocations by COVAX, a coalition led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance to Ensure Equitable Access, according to a statement Sunday press release from the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO).

Some 36 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have been informed via letters sent to their health authorities of their estimated dose allocation for the first phase of vaccine administration, according to the PAHO statement.

The AstraZeneca vaccine will be provided first, although it is still under review by WHO for emergency approval. This approval is expected in a few days, according to PAHO.

“With more than 45 million confirmed cases and more than one million deaths, the countries and territories of the Americas, in particular the poorest among them, are experiencing an unprecedented health, economic and social crisis,” said the Director of PAHO Carissa F. Etienne.
“The start of vaccine distribution through the COVAX mechanism is an encouraging step in the fight against this virus and PAHO is proud to facilitate an effort that is urgent for our region.

Delivery schedule: It is estimated that approximately 35.3 million doses will arrive in the Americas during this first stage and are expected to reach their destination from the second half of February through the second quarter of 2021. Vaccine dose figures are subject to regulatory agreements. production and supply capacity, in addition to emergency use approval, the PAHO statement said.

Prior to vaccine delivery, countries in the Americas participating in COVAX are now beginning preparations to receive and deploy the vaccines, according to PAHO.

Additional doses: In addition, four Latin American countries participating in COVAX have been selected by an independent committee on the basis of criteria for pandemic risk, impact and death rates in recent weeks to receive a limited number of doses of the Pfizer vaccine. / BioNTech above their allocated quota.

Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador and Peru will receive a total of 377,910 doses of the Pfizer vaccine which are expected to arrive from mid-February, subject to supply agreements.


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