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India reported 275 deaths from the coronavirus on Wednesday, the highest number of deaths in a single day since December 31, according to a CNN tally of figures from the Indian Ministry of Health.

The country also reported 47,262 new Covid-19 infections on Wednesday, the largest increase in one day since November 12, bringing the total to 11,734,058 cases, including 160,441 deaths.

It comes as India marks a year since the first nationwide Covid-19 lockdown was imposed on the country, forcing its 1.3 billion people inside.

New rules: In light of the “new outbreak of cases in parts of the country,” the Home Office (MHA) on Tuesday announced new guidelines for controlling Covid-19 that will be in place until the end of the month. ‘April.

India has reported more than 35,000 new cases a day for seven consecutive days, according to CNN’s count of the Health Ministry’s figures. This increase follows a “sustained decline in the number of active cases, continuously for about 5 months”, according to the MHA order.

Some of the measures outlined in Tuesday’s order included prompt isolation of positive cases and contact tracing of Covid-positive patients within 72 hours.

Maharashtra, Punjab, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Tamil Nadu accounted for 81% of new cases reported in the past 24 hours, according to the health ministry on Tuesday. Parts of many of those states have imposed full or partial lockdowns and nighttime curfews in order to contain the spread of the virus.

India has distributed more than 50 million doses of the vaccine since January 16, when it started immunizing healthcare and frontline workers, as well as people over 60 and over 45. years with comorbidities. All people aged 45 or older will be included in the rollout from April 1, according to the Department of Health.


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