Berries – an excellent source of vitamins – Health


There is a berry time – a counter filled with finished berries for all tastes. It is no secret that fresh products are rich in the vitamins we so badly need and now is the right time to use it to strengthen our body. But – how much berry is recommended to eat and what value do they give to our body? In which cases, however, is it advisable to limit berry consumption? Consume a nutrition specialist at the pharmacy Liene Sondore and a pharmacy pharmacist BENU Zanda Ozolina

Why should you eat berries?

Berries contain few calories, but many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and ballast. About 75 to 89% of berries are water, a little protein and very little fat. Of course, the berries are also sweet, they contain mainly simple carbohydrates – fructose and glucose. Therefore, if you think that summer and berries are perfect for thinning and you plan to start a monodiote, the weight may also not sag.

However, it is important to remember that berries are a valuable source of vitamin C and folic acid. Folic acid is a B-group vitamin that is necessary for the nervous system as well as for the cardiovascular system. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights the effects of free radicals.

Carbohydrates contain a lot of potbadium, which helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Potbadium is also necessary for the muscles, it takes care not to feel tired every day. Most of the potbadium is in currants, raisins, sweet cherries, red and white currants, gooseberries. Berries and fruits contribute to diuresis because of the ratio of potbadium to sodium to alkaline minerals: the product contains less sodium, more potbadium, more its diuretic effect

The berries contain magnesium which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, bone health.

Cows and fruits also have iron. As iron is present in organic compounds, its absorption in the intestines is favored by vitamins and minerals contained in berries and fruits.

The berries are also rich in organic acids, pectins, tannins. Carbohydrates are citric acid, in maleic acid, as well as a little tartaric acid in currants, currants, wild strawberries. Benzoic acid contains brucellas and cranberries

Thanks to the ballast and pectin, berries and fruits contribute to the output of the stomach. At the same time, it means that the digestive tract after a large amount of berries (during a good strawberry eats a few kilos of berries a day!) Can start going down. It is promoted not only by ballast balusters, but also by sugars or fructose.

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