10 oils to cook .. What is the best and the worst for your health?


Many people think that olive oil is best for cooking, but this belief seems very superficial because the types of this oil are multiple, some good and some bad quality.

Time magazine reported Tuesday in its report on its website that 10 types of oils, which he said were based on two factors.

The first factor is the type of cooking that you prepare in your home. The second factor is the "smoke point," which refers to the point where the temperature of the oil increases before the smoke begins to rise . It will damage the flavor of foods and food ingredients.

The magazine asked Liz Winandi, a nutritionist at the Ohio State University, the author of a book on healthy cooking oils, Lisa Howard .

This list of oils is getting better and better according to the two experts:

1. The pure virgin olive oil: Experts have agreed that pure virgin olive oil is the best for cooking and eating with food: "You do not need refined and over-treated oil, as in the case of". "olive oil".

This oil contains large amounts of mono-unsaturated monounsaturated fats, which have linked many studies to better heart health, and the smoke point is lower than the rest of the other olive oils, c & # 39; so is best for low and medium temperature meals.

2. Coconut oil: Avoid or moderate because it contains high saturated fats. Unlike the rest of the vegetable olives.

The American Heart Association states that replacing foods and oils containing a high proportion of saturated fats of healthy choices can result in lower cholesterol levels and improved fat levels. However, she says, "This oil will not make you sick, but do not overdo it.

3. Plant oil: This term is used to describe all vegetable oils, but their use depends on their specific source and the purpose for which they are intended, as well as the types of vegetable oils used. Popular vegetable oils: corn, soy and others.

Winandi advises to use "olive oil" as long as possible instead of these oils, but in the end it is not harmful. "

Olive oil is better: it contains a good amount of monounsaturated polyunsaturated fat and the smallest amount of saturated fat, but the smoke point is high.

4. Canola oil: This oil is extracted from rapeseed and contains the least saturated fat compared to the rest of the vegetable olive, it is useful for cooking at high temperature, because the smoke point is high.

5. Avocado Oil The avocado oil is an excellent choice, it is not as refined as the oil of the day. virgin olive, but it has a higher smoke point, which means that it can cook at higher temperatures.

The avocado oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamin E, but the negative point is the high price.

6. Sunflower oil: This oil is rich in vitamin E, which has no strong flavor, a high smoke point, and contains omega fatty acid -6 useful for memory and revitalization of the body.

7. Peanut oil: The peanut oil contains one of the highest levels of unsaturated monounsaturated fat in cooking oils. He cooks well at high temperatures.

8. The nut oil: The smoke point is very low, so it is not suitable for cooking, but it has many uses like pancake, cream preparation ice cream and fresh fruit. Walnut oil contains a good proportion of omega-6 fatty acids.

9. Flaxseed oil: contains a very low smoke point, which means that it should not be used for cooking, it can be used by Winandi for store food in low-temperature areas, such as in the refrigerator.

10. Sesame oil: Contains mono-unsaturated monounsaturated monounsaturated fatty acids, which have a higher smoke point and can be used in the preparation of high heat dishes.

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