16 points out of 25 can be freely used for swimming


The Secretary General of the National Council of Scientific Research Moin Hamza confirmed that 16 of the 25 marine points recorded by the center along the Lebanese coast are well rated and can be used for swimming, with 4 zones considered acceptable and 5 contaminated and contaminated areas

Hamza pointed out that the study did not include samples of sedimentary estuaries located along the coast and near industrial complexes or reservoirs. solid water because they are contaminated and do not need to be badyzed.

Here is what the whole study says: The National Council for Scientific Research considers that its research on sea pollution in Lebanon is one of the priority projects and that,

The Council National Scientific Research, thanks to the scientific ship "Qana", equipped with the best techniques, conducted a study of the Lebanese coast and depths, complementing the scientific discoveries of its Oceanography Center.

The results that we will present today are characterized by the following specifications:

First: Sampling

1. We did not take samples from estuaries

2. We have not taken samples from private pools, we do not have the power to perform these badyzes, while the direct responsibility lies with the owners in conducting tests laboratory periodicals in laboratories and published daily at the entrances of their establishments.

3. The results present the rates of badysis and evaluation for a period of 30 months. The samples were collected in the best scientific methods adopted globally, public areas and popular pools, along the coast, including 25 fixed points, which were studied regularly and periodically to demonstrate their eligibility for maritime and tourism activities [19659010]. (19659002) * Strong industrial activity on the coast

* Strong industrial activity on the coast

The absence of civil organization to adapt to urban growth

It is important note that sudden changes in sea-water quality may occur negatively if new sources of pollution are discharged to them or released if these sources are stopped

. The results also clearly show areas of healthy and environmentally – friendly bacterial contamination and heavy metal levels found at concentrations lower than those universally tolerated in fish, some shellfish and shrimp, based on. reliable scientific badyzes and at intervals up to 3 years. To the National Council of Scientific Research

* Provides human resources to carry out this task throughout the months of the year and the statement of the Ministry of Higher Education. I would like to thank the media representatives for their interest in this event and to underline that Lebanese scientists are competent enough to qualify them as their peers in major countries to play a key role in solving problems.

Environmental issues I also wish the media to verify the veracity of the information they receive in various ways, before publishing it, in order to preserve social and environmental security and its impact on different communities.

The article expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the site's policy

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