20% of UAE residents receive enough protein


Despite the abundance of protein-rich foods on the market, 80% of the UAE population reported not getting the recommended daily protein level (the recommended daily reference value for proteins is 50 grams) , according to a study The study, which included 1003 people in the United Arab Emirates, found that there was a need to educate consumers about the benefits and benefits of protein in their diet food. The many who provide me with protein for the body other than just getting energy or adjusting weight. Forty-three percent of respondents said that protein is useful for those who are interested in fitness and bodybuilding, which explains that 66% of consumers think that children do not need to have bad. 39, a high protein diet and 81% do not need protein. "Despite the increasing prevalence of protein-rich foods in recent years, research has shown a lack of nutritional knowledge, which is why a large portion of the population does not have the recommended protein intake reference" said Emilian Roy, nutritionist at Arla Foods. "It's essential to get protein throughout our life cycle. People benefit from protein in different ways in their lives."

5 Reasons Why the Need to Take Proteins

are Reasons to Correct the Errors in which People Their Knowledge and Their Use of Proteins are summarized below:

1. The fact is that protein is an important and essential element for all.It is a major component of all the body's cells and we need it to build and protect cells and produce enzymes, hormones and the like. energy.

2. Protein makes your muscles bigger

Truth: Protein intake does not increase muscle mbad because muscles need exercise to grow.

3. Fact: Although meat is an excellent source of protein, legumes, vegetables, dairy products and cereals also contain a good amount of protein.

4. Error: Protein Helps You Lose Weight

Fact: Protein intake does not help you lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories than you do to lose weight. That's to say, healthy food and exercise are the right solution.

Protein is a key ingredient in healthy foods and needs more time to digest because of its complex structure, providing the body with energy longer than sugar and preventing the body from flooding it with large amounts of energy. Everybody needs the same amount of protein

Fact: The amount you need depends on your age, gender and weight. The World Health Organization recommends consuming 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight in healthy adults who do not exercise.

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