2300 cases of cholera in Yemen and one million and 118,000 suspected cases in one year


The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) reported that the number of deaths from the cholera outbreak in Yemen has reached 2,300 in more than a year.

The WHO office in Yemen said on a tweet on Twitter: "There have been 2311 cholera deaths in Yemen in the last 13 months."

"The total number of suspected cases of cholera outbreak reached more than one million and 118 thousand cases, during the same period."

We thank all our followers and we always promise you to provide all that is best .. and to forward news from all sources of information and make it easier to read. With the greetings of the Gulf eye site families, Yemen now UNICEF: 2300 cholera deaths in Yemen and suspected cases of one million and 118
Source: Yemeni Information Center

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