3 things the driver does to increase the fuel economy of the car … Masrawy


3 things the driver does to increase the fuel economy of the car


Sunday, July 15th, 2018

Written by Nancy Al-Ruwaini:

Experts have discovered that there are actions by the car owner inadvertently, resulting in increased consumption of the car for fuel, the most important of which is neglect of periodic maintenance. 1 – do not adjust the tire air according to the manufacturer's recommendations, because the increase or decrease in air consumes additional fuel to control the movement

2. Do not change the air filter in a timely manner and do not clean it, Does not produce a rich mixture, the appearance of black smoke and high consumption of gasoline.

3. Dua pressure method The gasoline, such as give a big thrust of gasoline and then suddenly press on the brake, causes fuel loss as well as failure to adhere to a certain speed.

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