4 billion people do not benefit from Internet service


A recent study showed that at the end of 2017, 3.3 billion people (or 44% of the world's population) were connected to the mobile Internet, 300 million more than the year before. previous, leaving more than 4 billion people disconnected and unable to achieve the social and economic benefits offered by the mobile Internet. The majority of people who are still not connected live in developing countries.

According to the study, mobile broadband networks do not cover 1 billion people worldwide and nearly 3 billion people live in the network. Currently, they have access to mobile Internet services and, in low-income countries, 3G networks do not cover about two-thirds of the rural population. The mobile indicator highlights the importance of factors such as affordability and quality of mobile broadband services and investments in networks to secure the communication capacity of people, who may be affected by the high prices of the spectrum.

What are reluctant to improve the economic and social well-being of billions of people who are still not connected to high-speed (or broadband) Internet services via cellular communications, according to a new report from the GSMA, "Spectrum Pricing in Developing Countries "Mobile 360-Africa" ​​in Kigali

The study reveals that spectrum prices in developing countries are three times higher than those of developed countries when the level of income is taken into account. and that the high-frequency spectrum constitutes a major obstacle to the increase of mobile penetration.

The GSMA Information Unit study revealed that governments play a key role in the development of mobile phones. increase in spectrum prices to significantly increase state revenues from spectrum licenses.

High-frequency spectrum prices are badociated with countries with High debt: what is worrying is that the average reserve prices (minimum bids) of spectrum auctions in developing countries are five times higher than in developed countries;

The report also noted that high spectrum prices are badociated with the level of coverage of the worst and most expensive prices and the low quality of mobile broadband services that impede consumer access to services.

", Brett Tarnotzer:" Becoming a Tu The possibility of communication to all is impossible without better political decisions on the spectrum. "

For a very long time, the success of frequency spectrum auctions has been evaluated by the amount of revenue that can be collected rather than by the economic and social benefits." The spectrum that leads to price and price inflation Focuses on short-term gains with our common goals to provide better broadband services at reasonable prices.These pricing policies will only limit the growth of the digital economy and make it more difficult eradication of poverty, improvement of health and education, financial integration and gender equality.

The study of the GSMA evaluates over 1,000 jobs (including 60 developing countries and 42 developed countries) from 2010 to 2017, making it the largest spectrum price badysis in developing countries, and price factors and their potential impacts on consumers The countries studied included Algeria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, India, Jordan, Mexico, Myanmar, and the United States. Thailand, which all give priority to frequency licensing. (Such as reserve prices), as well as the identification and coding of the amount of licensed spectrum, artificially available and inconsistent with reality, and the failure to share a clear roadmap For the spectrum, put the strength The indicator highlights recent progress on expanding mobile Internet access and explores the main obstacles to Internet adoption, including spectrum policy.

For his part, the Director of Economic Analysis of the Information Unit of the GSMA, "If mobile operators do not have access to spectrum at reasonable prices, consumers will be more affected by this situation. "

"Developing countries have the opportunity to keep pace with developed countries in the adoption of mobile communications; Investment in some of these Markets are at risk because mobile operators can not continue to pay more for spectrum when their expected revenues and benefits are very low in these markets, making it difficult to invest in the network at a time when policies should contribute to the development of the mobile telecommunications sector to increase benefits that can benefit all. "

The GSMA Association represents the interests of operators operating mobile telecommunications worldwide. The badociation brings together nearly 800 mobile operators worldwide with around 300 companies in the mobile telecommunications system, including mobile phone manufacturers, mobile operators, software companies, business companies, and more. equipment and the Internet. Organizes major events such as the Mobile World Congress, the Shanghai Mobile World Congress, the Mobile World Congress of the Americas and the Mobile 360 ​​Series.

© Alghad 2018

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