460 displaced people leave Arsal in Qalamoun today


460 Syrian refugees leave the Lebanese city of Arsal on Saturday to their cities west of Kallamoun This convoy of returnees "voluntarily" is the second in less than 10 days, while sources told us yesterday that the registration

The security services of the army and public security have identified the area of ​​Wadi Hamid on the outskirts of the eastern meeting point of the city of Arsal, to from 6 am to welcome 400 Syrian refugees wishing to return voluntarily. Syria, and leave the Lebanese territory to the west of Kalamoon villages of Qara and garage (19659002) According to security sources, the number of departures from Syrian refugee camps to Arsal "will arrive on the scheduled departure date this morning."

This is the second lot to leave Arsal for less than 10 days after the departure of 293 displaced people to the same villages across the eastern series towards the grove and the Zomrani pbad on the Lebanese-Syrian border, formerly the center of 39; influence before the expulsion of the Lebanese army in the "Dawn of the Jar". ] And the Lebanese public security will create a new center at Wadi Hamid for (19659003) The Wadi Hamid 's gathering point at the Lebanese Army checkpoint is the same site from where the "Front" has been removed. The military victory in the Lebanese army before their transfer to the Abu Takiya house and surrender to Abu Malik al-Tali in 2014.

An Arsal convoy was launched last week in direction of the Syrian territory under a supervised agreement and carried out by the Lebanese public security, the army The displaced carried their luggage and went to the Syrian crossing point of Zumrani, which they distributed to their villages in the cities of Qalamoun. The role of UNHCR during the repatriation process was limited last week to provide health or food care for refugees, or if the departments requested a service or a question, while the UNHCR stated that

Reports have been received that the Syrian regime has approved the return of 3,000 internally displaced persons in batches.

(Middle East)

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