5 diseases caused by air conditioning !! Arab news today


The air conditioner starts at work in the morning before all employees, and ends with the last person leaving the workplace, if there is no need to work 24 hours a day in the warm country.

However, doctors and environmental experts point out that air conditioners can cause occupational diseases if they are used regularly.

The doctor Alexander Coxa, technical director of Independent Testecho Laboratory Doctors at No. 64 Hospital in Moscow, Dr. Olga Sharapova, that the incidence of colds due to Sitting under the air conditioner is a normal condition not only for transferring the air conditioner inside one place to another, but to transfer bacteria and viruses from one place to another in the closed room, the infection moves from the patient to his colleagues at work. Conditioner:

1- Tonsillitis:

The difference between the temperatures outside the room or the air-conditioned building, which can reach 40 ° C, and inside the room (up to 16 °) causes a angina and sore throats that are most affected by temperature fluctuations. Therefore, doctors recommend that the difference between the temperature outside and inside the room does not exceed 10 degrees Celsius

2- Allergy

Dust that comes out with the air-conditioner's airflow sometimes causes allergies, where most people forget to clean the air conditioner before starting after a long break.

3. Diseases caused by legionella

Dust accumulated in air conditioners may contain a bacterium, a type of Gram-negative bacteria, which can cause respiratory diseases, a type of pneumonia (symptoms of hyperthermia, general poisoning, pulmonary edema) and the injury to central nervous system and digestive system), and affects office workers more than others.

4 – dry skin

Sensitive people suffer from an unexpected reaction to the air conditioner, where their skin is covered with patches, and their skin is dry and peeling, the body's reaction to microscopic dust particles that travel with the flow of air. air out of the air conditioner. But the fight against this phenomenon is not possible and can only be achieved when sitting away from the air conditioner.

5. Sinusitis

Dust on the outside of the air conditioner causes the entry of bacteria and viruses into the sinuses, this inflammation may progress to pharyngeal pharyngitis, which sometimes requires surgery [19659018] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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