5 diseases caused by the air conditioner


5 diseases caused by the air conditioner, according to the Nile, the site of the newspaper Al-Wasat, which contains news of 5 diseases caused by the air conditioner.

Al-Wasat Newspaper – The air conditioner starts in the morning before every employee, and ends if there is no need to work 24 hours a day in the hot country.

Despite the need for air conditioning, and sometimes the impossibility of the newspaper without him, but doctors and environmental experts indicate that air conditioners can cause injury to office workers with different diseases so it is used regularly.

Dr. Alexander Coxa, technical director of the independent Testecho laboratory, and a senior medical researcher at the Moscow No. 64 Hospital, Dr. Olga Sharapova, announced that colds caused by the air conditioner are a normal condition not to move the air conditioner. From one point to another, but to transfer bacteria and viruses from one place to another in the closed room, and thus the injury moves from the patient to colleagues in the work.

It is a disease that can be caused by the air conditioner:

– Tonsillitis:

causes the difference between temperatures outside the room or the air-conditioned building, up to 40 ° C and between the interior of the room For tonsillitis and laryngitis, a disease that is most affected by temperature fluctuations. Therefore, doctors recommend that the difference between the temperature outside and inside the room does not exceed 10 degrees Celsius.

– Allergies

Dust that bounces with the airflow of the air conditioner sometimes causes allergies, where most people forget to clean the air conditioner before it starts, after a long break .

– Legionellales

– Dysfunction of the skin

Sensitive people suffer from an unexpected reaction to the air conditioner, where their skin is covered with patches, their skin is dry and peeled, the body's reaction to Microstructure dust particles that moves with the flow of air to the outside of the air conditioner. But the fight against this phenomenon is not possible and can only be achieved when sitting away from the air conditioner.


Dust of the air conditioner causes the entry of bacteria and viruses into the sinuses, this inflammation may progress to pharyngeal pharyngitis that sometimes requires surgery.

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Source: Nileen

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