5 medical tips to keep you away from deadly diseases !! – News Compass Website


A healthy diet is a good thing, but unfortunately, it would not prevent full bowel cancer, according to the doctors.

Risk Factors Associated with Risk of Severe Illness Include Weight Gain, Smoking, Type 1 Diabetes

Here are the most important tips to help you reduce the risk of bowel cancer :

1. Do not get away from carbohydrates

Carbohydrates can be unwanted when trying to lose weight. This fiber can help speed the movement of food through the digestive system.

It is Better

2 – Eating Vegetables and Fruits

Studies have shown that, therefore, taking large amounts of vitamin C can help reduce the risk of cancer of the intestine. (19659007) 3. Restriction of Processed Meat

The Beating Bowel Cancer Charity Association states that there is a close relationship between bowel cancer and a cystic fibrosis system The food contains a lot of processed red meat. FAO recommends eating less than 500 grams of red meat a week

4. Many fish

An important alternative to meat is fish, especially fat species such as salmon and fish. sardines. A study conducted in 2016 at King's College in London, the British capital, showed that eating a small amount of fatty fish a day could significantly reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

The reason is that these fish species are rich in omega 3, and have many anti-inflammatory properties.

5 – Think about the consumption rate of alcohol

The reduction of alcohol consumption
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