After controlling two million Kptagon … Daher inspecting the port


National – The Lebanese Customs Drug Division, through the port of Beirut, thwarted the smuggling of 2 million Kaptagon tablets into woodcutting machines from Syria to Transnit via Lebanon to Ajman, in Saudi Arabia.

The Director General of Customs, Badri Daher, inspected the items seized in the dormitory in the presence of the Head of General Security, Mr. Daher Fayyad, and reviewed the ongoing inspections of seized machines .

Dahir held a press conference in the presence of the chief of customs. Colonel Nizar al-Jaridi, in which he said: "Five days ago, We seized a large amount of Captagon, based on information that was badyzed and made to the list of people involved. We have arrested a Syrian national and these products have come to Lebanon from Syria for transit. We know the smugglers they are watching us and most likely they know we are trying to apprehend the intruders. "

" These goods were hidden in machines to shred the wood that no one can detect, and when you see them there is no doubt about them.Euro Dahir has estimated the number of these grains by about two million tablets Kptagon, "This process was the result of the diligent work of the elements of the Control Division and many days of day and night. "The goal is to protect people and keep society safe, which is a priority in the anti-drug plan," he said. Because the scourge of drug addiction has an impact on the national economy J. We reinforce the screws of the traffickers at the land, sea and air borders, knowing that the customs control can not be realized at 100%, but we consider that our fight is to fight 100% for the reputation of Lebanon in the international community. "The close cooperation between all the security services of the army, security forces and security forces has allowed us to achieve several successes, including the control of 16.5 kilograms of cocaine this morning in the morning. Beirut airport. "

"The questions that arose during this period and the Division of Drug Control and Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering are the guardians of the security of Lebanese society."

] GB
In turn, the head of the Anti-Narcotics Division explained the mechanism adopted by Customs He said: "We are looking out, and we have received information about an attempt to exporting quantities of Kabtagon, we got this information about our work and badysis. The goods went into the factory and were the subject of a thorough inspection at the port of Beirut. These goods come from Syria and transit through Lebanon to Ajman and Saudi Arabia, and all goods placed inside large bottles have been seized. "

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