The Forum des Couleurs concludes its exhibition "From Time 3" within the activities of "Nights of the Old Market"


As part of the activities of the "Nights of the Old Market" in Zouk Mikael, in the presence of the Mayor of Zouk Mikael Elie Baino and a host of political, social and cultural personalities and an elite d & # 39; Artists and Interested, Artisbad House.

Forty or so artists and artists from Lebanon and the Arab world participated in the exhibition: George Murr, Dalal Tarhini, George Wakim, Pascal Masoud, Fatima Fneish, George Serhal, Shawki Yazbek, Ghanwa Radwan , Lilian Khoury, Mariela Abu Gouda, Roger Sfeir, Kareel Rouhana, Jekelin Rizkallah, Mohammed Alloush, Haidar Ali Al Lami, Amanda Farah, Carole Nasif, Christine Jabbour, Abbas Wahbi, Atab Fakhruddin, Suzanne Qais, Hayat Adham, Rita El Kbadis, Nina Rashid, Deniz Shaia, Mona Al Ali, Fadwa Hamdan, Lydia Baroud, Mona Al Gharbali, Darine Roquez, Rita Rizk, Ghada Agha, Alaa Karaki, Mazen Bou Shaheen, Anthony Khalil and Rana Azzi Students participated in the event. exhibition of professional colors They Sarah Tahmaz, Jasmina Spiti and Elma masterpiece.

The Chairman of the Poet Mohammed Aloush Symposium considered that the annual festival of the market is an annual station of the beauty and spirits stations in this country, where the heritage and the arts are highlighted and where there is a nice interaction between the public and visitors.

As coordinator of the Pascal Mbadoud plastic exhibition, the country is doing well as long as the art is good, and the Zouk festival expresses the vitality of the Lebanese people despite all the circumstances. A year later, he thanked the participating artists and made a tour of the exhibition.
The exhibition included paintings from different art schools, wax sculptures and direct drawing in everyday life.

Source: Internet

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