The Hospital Union has stopped repeated attacks


The Council of Lebanese Hospitals Union stopped at its last session "against repeated attacks on hospitals and their employees, the most recent of which were unprovoked attacks in the health unit Intensive of St. George University Hospital in Achrafieh, The union issued a statement in which he thanked "the State Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health and the Minister of Justice for their positions "and called them to" work on the necessary measures, including imprisonment and compensation for material and moral damages "., To deter the author of NF

and praised" the role of the judiciary and the security forces in terms of speed in the movement and arrest of the aggressors "and demanded" not to pay attention to the interventions for their release. "

I can only salute the great efforts of wardens at all hospitals to protect their facilities and workers in order to continue to provide their services at the appropriate level imposed on citizens without distinction, despite all the conditions they face. "

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