Citizens cry after high generator bills!


The cry of the citizens came this month after they received a bill for the participation of high-level generators, due to cutting hours in the neighborhoods.

For example, Mounir, who lives in the Jadida-Metn area, noted that his house bill rose to 300,000 LBP for 10 amps of electricity for June, which surprised this high amount.

In this context, the media officer of the Association of Producers in Lebanon, Gad Nahla, explained that the final bill is as follows:

The number of hours of cutting in the neighborhoods X The capacity tariff issued by the Ministry of Energy. He pointed out that the prices of the Ministry of Energy were as follows:
421 l / h for 5 hours
and 842 l / h for 10 hours

Bee pointed out that the problem n & # Is not the owners Metn group coordinator Danny Odyshaw said the cut times this month were set at Al-Jadidah-Metn 310 hours, ie, the generator bill is for 5 amp owners 130 thousand and LBP 260,000 for 10 amp owners

In turn, the Ministry of Energy has previously explained that the tariff is based on the average price of the green fuel plate, after calculating all Expenses and (1965,9002) Also read: This generator rate for October … Do not pay more!

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