Who is responsible for transmitting tuberculosis in all parts of the world? | Health


Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison revealed the causes of the spread of tuberculosis worldwide.
Scientists have studied the genetic factor of tuberculosis and its spread in the world. "There are seven main types of tuberculosis spread across
The world is bacteriostatic (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), which, according to
Genetic studies came from Africa, the home of the disease that has existed for decades
Thousands of years. "

Scientists badyzed 550 samples of bacteria causing TB in modern humans
Who live in Africa and Eurasia. This allowed the comparison of these genes
Bacteria, to reveal how the genes of different strains of TB are linked to each other,
And from where the disease came.

Scientists have confirmed that the origin of these strains carrying the disease in the strain
Only one typical, found 4 to 6 thousand years ago, caused by strains
Another of the 10 deadly diseases on the planet. Broadcast 7
Types of TB bacteria all over the world, have gone 3 and have not acclimatized with
The new environment has remained 4 so far due to its great adaptability.

Research revealed that one of the strains of TB bacteria was the most
Resistance and survival, and spread to the world in the first century AD when defeated
Romans The Mediterranean Sea

Roman military campaigns have led to the transmission of the disease to people who do not have it
They are exposed to this in their lives. The infection was not only among the soldiers, but in the
Combat camps and living conditions in camps where civilians participated.
Tuberculosis was transmitted between all the nations that were mixed with the Romans.

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