Exchange Rates for Sunday, July 8, 2018 in the UAE


Thank you for reading the news on exchange rates today on Sunday 7-7-2018 in the UAE and now with the details

UAE dirham today because we are following the UAE exchange rates today in black market banks, which are affected by the dollar price, currencies today against the pound in the currency market different from the circulation of Forex after the float, especially with the need of citizens to Arab money to travel to the UAE, and face the UAE dirham a change in currency rates, related to the rate of supply and demand against the pound.

Suffering And The Collapse Of Economic Institutions The government is trying in various ways to deal with the problems and challenges of the economy.However, all the efforts of the Central Bank have failed and the prices of the trade of Foreign and Arab currencies are still in confusion, especially the US dollar and the European euro. Control the currency market, close foreign exchange companies and control the black market for currency trading.

We keep track of all banking transactions for the UAE dirham in most banks in Egypt as well as on the black market, (19659003) HSBC Bank

The lowest selling price: 4.82

The Arab Bank

Thank you for your reading on the exchange rates of Sunday 8 Saudi Arabia 365 We are not responsible for the content of this news with best wishes from one day.

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