Toni Al Khouli with his shiny face:


The followers of Father # Tony_Alkholi watched his Facebook account almost continuously, which was the only source in the period to follow him, especially after leaving Lebanon and staying in Canada with his family and information about his abandonment of monasticism .
The surprise was yesterday with the return of Father Al-Kholi to his Facebook activity, and he re-released a video of the song "O Virgin Mary" in his voice, revealing the scenes of the recording. hymn in one of the studios. The surprise that followed the video clip was the change in the profile picture in his account. He showed a brilliant smile that prompted the media and lovers to interact with him. Yazbek Wehbe, the first commentator on the photo, said: "Welcome to our father's trip, we are nostalgic." The others commented on the expression of nostalgia, asking them to return to Lebanon and explain what he said to leave the service of holiness, stressing that "this voice is forbidden to because of the fabrications. .
The image of Al-Khouli and the re-publication of the video, via Facebook, gave hope to his fans that what he had said about his abandonment of monasticism was incorrect, while waiting for other movements in his story. To demonstrate the fact that he remained silent throughout this period.

The Khuli's recent Facebook activity took place after the election of General Michel Aoun to the presidency of the Republic: "Congratulations to Lebanon, congratulations to the General, O Tuners! Jesus protects you "and has published an image of his collection with President Aoun.

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