Weather in Lebanon with some clouds with additional heat reduction – Al Manar Channel – Lebanon


The Meteorological Department of the Department of Meteorology of the Department of Civil Aviation predicted that tomorrow there will be some cloud clouds with additional low and simple temperatures on the highlands and the survival of the fog layers local, sometimes windy.

General situation : Summer and wet weather dominate the eastern basin of the Mediterranean in the coming days.
The maximum temperature on the coast in July is 32 ° C

Weather Forecast in Lebanon :

Tuesday: Clouds partly cloudy with limited decrease in indoor temperatures and high plateaus and their stability on the coast with fog over the middle highlands and little change in temperature

: Few clouds to partly cloudy with additional low and simple temperature on the highlands and survival of local fog layers,

Thursday: Cloudy with sunny spells with stable temperatures and survival Local fog over the highlands.

– Heat on the coast from 23 to 31 degrees, above the mountains from 14 to 25 degrees, in cedar
– Surface winds blowing from the southwest during the day between 10 and 35 km / h
– Average precipitation on the coast, changes in height due to fog.
– Moisture Relative humidity of the coast between 60 and 90%.
– Waves from low tide to wavy, surface temperature 27 °.
– Atmospheric pressure 758 mm Hg.

Source: Department of Meteorology

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