Samsung opens the world's largest mobile phone factory


South Korean company Samsung Electronics opened this week the world's largest mobile phone maker on the world's second largest smart phone market, the factory expansion in India, which is expected to be completed in 2020 , should double Samsung's capacity in terms of handset production in the country from 68 million phones a year to 120 million phones a year. The announcement comes as South Korean technology seeks to expand its production in the world's most dynamic mobile market, badysts who follow the industry say that the Noida plant, on the outskirts from New Delhi, will allow Samsung to make phones cheaply. For their size, when other manufacturing centers of phones like China become more expensive. The factory, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South Korean President Moon Jae-in during their factory visit on the outskirts of Delhi, also helps Samsung to compete with the company. other competitors such as Chinese Chaoyi, Earlier this year, the largest smartphone brand in India in terms of shipments.

The inauguration of the manufacturing plant is a victory of the flagship program of Prime Minister Narendra Mody aimed at attracting investors towards industrialization in the South Asian country, although the campaign " Make in India "of the Indian Prime Minister is far from keeping his promises. Ambitious, has achieved some success in the progressive manufacture of portable devices and components. The company said in a statement that Samsung, which has been badembling phones in India since 2007, while the original factory dates back to 1996, also plans to export devices made in India, and Prime Minister Narendra Moody's government has imported taxes on key components of smartphones as part of a plan to encourage the electronics industry in India, boosting growth and growth. creating millions of new jobs. "Noida, the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer, is a symbol of Samsung's strong commitment to India and a shining example of the success of the Made in India program," said HC Hong, CEO of Samsung India. "India is a long-term partner of Samsung, and we are in line with government policies and continue to seek their support to realize our dream of making India a global hub for phone exports." mobile. "

India is a huge and growing market for smartphones, which has surpbaded the United States as the world's second largest market after China, according to counterpoint market research, more than 120 manufacturers indians currently working on mobile phones and accessories. Like the charger, batteries, power banks and headphones.

Earlier this year, Samsung announced plans to spend $ 716.57 million over three years to expand its capacity at the Noida plant, and Apple has conducted an experimental manufacturing operation. iPhone 6S in India after badembling a small batch of iPhone.

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