A new method of operation that can detect "your remaining age"


British media revealed that US researchers have developed a way to badyze the blood, should help reveal the remaining life of a human being.

Researchers at Yale University were able to measure the exact number and age of cells in the body, based on an estimate of human age.

The supervisor of the study, Morgan Levin, said: Is the knowledge of the factors that lead to aging cells.

She added, according to the British "Daily Mail" newspaper, that "will help guide people to eating or sporting practices that extend their lives."

She noted that people often think that 39, they (19659002)
Scientists bet on revolutionary badysis to help those who know them pose health risks that threaten them in the future.

Studies have adopted healthy data per 10,000 Americans between 1988 and 1994, then badyzed the data of another group of ten thousand people between 1999 and 2010, in order to access this neta

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