The Superior Council of the "National" Handicapped: Stealing the dry? The Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Last Updated: 1 hour ago

Source: Lebanese Newspaper – Lea Al Qazi


Author: The Electronic Spider

Views: 160

The Supreme Council of the Syrian National Socialist Party is in the foreground, seven have abstained from attending the sessions. They demand the resignation of the Supreme Council and a special conference of the party, which will elect Kamal Nabulsi to head the state for the third consecutive week (19659009) .The Supreme Council of the Syrian National Social Party has not not met. A number of members of the Supreme Council are joining their participation in the resignation of the president of the "National" Hanna Nashif, who holds him responsible, which they consider, "the failure of my party" in the legislative elections. The first two sessions were missed by Kbadem Saleh, Hussam Asrawi, Kamal Al Nabulsi, Issam Al Bitar, Ahmed Saif Al-Din, Atef Bazzi and Abdullah Wahab. In yesterday's session, Kbadem Saleh and Ahmad Saif al-Din broke the boycott and attended the session untreated. The absence of former nationalist party chairman, Gebran Areeji, is not seen in the meetings, in the same context as his colleagues: originally, the man was in the summer in Ehden and did not attend party meetings. Ghbadan al-Ashqar, also absent for personal reasons, attended the meeting yesterday

Not the eyes of the National Assembly in front of the Supreme Council, the parties are divided into two groups, l & # 39; 39, one loyal to MP Asaad Hardan and the other to internal policies. Who is run by the party. Is a "neutralization tool" used by deputies, as in 2016 after the amendment of the party constitution, allowing two candidates to run for a third term (before the cancellation of the Chairmanship of Hardan) and the day after the acceptance of the ministerial headquarters of the former Minister Ali Qansu, Despite the fact that the national constitution prohibits the match between the party presidency and any other position, except with the permission of the Council supreme. The "president" is also the target this time

The opponents of the elections have chosen the results of the parliamentary elections announced against the "national" president, so that their "argument" would be overthrowing him. They felt that the Nafis missed the opportunity to obtain a block of six deputies, because of the alliances woven by the National Party, and the lack of discipline of the grbadroots and the party, and managed to compete with the "national" candidates to attract its audience. It is true that in the end, it is Hanna al-Nashif who holds the highest positions of the party and who therefore has the main responsibility. But in practice, the one who forged alliances of "national" and who demanded an option at the expense of the other is the chairman of the Supreme Council, As & # 39; ad Hardan, who is affiliated with him. It is remarkable that Hardan, the strongest "nationalist" man, is not satisfied with the behavior of the members of the Supreme Council. "He is always arrogant, refusing any negotiation with them, as it is the duty of the members of the Supreme Council. The sources say that the head of the political bureau, Kamal Nabulsi and Husam Asrawi, "are the ones who have asked for the resignation, and they coordinate the opposition with the Dean of Defense, Ziad al-Maalouf". The opponents' goal was to elect Nabulsi as party leader, who initiated meetings with Hezbollah officials to try to put pressure on his dissident comrades

Kamal Nabulsi and Husam Asrui, a desperate request to resign, coordinated with the Dean of Defense, other members of the Supreme Council, "propose the choice of a two-man president: Anton Khalil or Kamal Nabulsi". But Khalil and the party group with which he coordinates have not responded to their comrades. When the former deputy was absent from the second session of the Supreme Council, it was because of special circumstances. Opponents oppose their resignation, the excessive convening of the Supreme Council and the call for a special party congress. Their calculations are based on the fact that the session of the Supreme Council needs 9 members, and that the decisions need 12 members, and with the death of Ali Qansu, it is easier to secure them. In this case, the seven resignations were submitted at once. If they separate, "there are members of the Reda, who are used to ensure quorum, and it is possible to request the return of the deputy party leader in Syria, Sufan Salman, to the Supreme Council of Lebanon. ". However, it is possible to achieve the goal of Kamal Nabulsi and his opposition colleagues, if other nationalists intend to resign from the Supreme Council. The group consists of Anton Khalil, Ghbadan Ashkar, Najib Khneiser and Tawfiq Mehanna (with the possibility of joining them) and is seriously considering resigning, "according to partisan sources.

Sources The disintegration of the Supreme Council comes after the differences in the council of mayors, who were resigned by Hbadan Saqr and George Gregg, and other deans boycott his meetings until the resignation of Nashif and his deputy Wael al-Hbadaniah. The fundamental problem that controls one of the oldest and most prestigious Lebanese parties is the absence of the logic of the institutions, supposed to be the "power" of the nationalists.






Source: Lebanese Journal Lea al-Qazi

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