Italians learn the reasons for the distinction of the official Shoukin School


An Italian delegation visited the official Schocken School to find out more about its "level of success" and the reason for the influx of a large number of parents to book their children.

The delegation included a representative of the AICS, the director of the school, Nabila Shoaib,

informed the students of the achievements and educational plans adopted by the school to develop the work and keep abad of the latest technological means in the educational process, and get the best results for students. Methods active in education, After a speech on the achievements and activities of the school for the 2017/2018 academic year, Ashaib delivered a speech in which she hosted the delegation of Rome and thanked the Italian Society for its support for an educational and restoration project that Amel began to implement. Director Shuaib presented her activities, show and educational plan, she thanked Marito Shoaib for the outstanding performances of the school that brought her to this success, and the Executive Director of Amel Ahmed Abboud expressed his great joy, In the heart Nan has already heard of his successes, and Abboud pointed out that the success of the school meant successful management able to properly lead the education

Next , the delegation visited the school and continued the projects to be implemented

(Fadi Bardan-Sur)

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