Celebrations of Saint Charbel in Baqafkra


The city of Bekaaqafra celebrated the fourth day of the feast of St. Charbel, especially for the Christians of East and Iraq, where representatives of the Christian communities gathered for the third consecutive year on the 39, altar of the Church of the Pastoral.

Father Royce of Jerusalem, patron of the Coptic Orthodox community of Lebanon, delivered his sermon and persecution in Iraq and Palestine, where there are living testimonies of the apostles of Jesus, Peter and Paul the greatest of the two witnesses.

He said, "The Lord will wipe our tears when we meet him in heaven: if we do not weep on the earth, how shall he wipe our tears in the heavens?" He says to us: Come, my blessed ones.

On this occasion, he said: "We must continue to learn from Saint Charbel, who with his struggle and his sword became a saint and became the place where he lived in a holy place.

After the prayer, the participants went to the church courtyard to attend the village wedding, which was attended by young people from the city, organized by the brotherhood of Saint Charbel.

At 8 pm, the parish choir Mar Maroun of Tripoli celebrated an evening of religious songs mixed with Syriac and young songs, Abu Dukushto, O Saint of Manna.

During this evening, he had a moment of reflection with the late Antoine Sarkis of the city of Bekaaqafra, who spoke of Sharbel who had prayed and prayed and deserved the honorary certificate of silence and prayer [1965900] {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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