DOT Emarat – New technique to force cancer cells to … "


  New technology to force cancer cells to commit suicide

Scientists at Harvard Medical School have devised two ways to fight tumors by using genetically modified cancer cells circulating in blood vessels.

These transgenic cells are removed from primary tumors that appear in the body and move with the bloodstream and can then return to the tumor responsible for the spread of the cancerous tumor in the body.

Killer TRAIL, which is less harmful to healthy cells in the body, able to activate the process of apoptosis.

In this study, doctors followed two techniques of mobile cell therapy: first they used tumor cells, an aggressive brain tumor initially resistant to the S-TRAIL protein. In the second technique, scientists used these cells to inject mice with secondary tumors, where the researchers took primary tumor cells sensitive to the S-TRAIL protein. By genetic engineering, the receptors responsible for this sensitivity have been stopped so as not to destroy the cells themselves early.

As a result, the modified cells were forced to produce S-TRAIL and then injected into the mice. Both cells were equipped with the "key" to trigger the process of self-destruction of killer cells at the end of treatment.

According to scientists, both methods have been shown to be effective in mice with primary and secondary tumors in the brain and bad. The results of both trials showed a decrease in the size of different types of tumors in mice that survived longer after these experiments.

Source: Novosti

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